I am Jeska, the immensely proud owner of The Bridal Boutique of Jules, I am also mum to Fred and Digby dog. It has been a life long dream to have my very own little boutique. Never in a million years did I ever think it possible to become reality.
Having flown for Virgin Atlantic Airways for six years, seeing the world and gaining inspiration and experience from the different countries and their cultures, I decided to end my flying career and embark upon a degree in fashion design and textiles, as a 'mature student!! I completely surprised myself, and many others I think, and graduated with a first-class honour. Whilst studying I fell head over heels for the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides and its beautiful authentic fabric - Harris Tweed. I created small collections and took part in various charity fashion shows and events. I was then fortunate enough to fall pregnant with Fred. He was born in 2010 and very sadly around the same time, my dearest mum, who was my everything, being an only child with no dad, was diagnosed with cancer at just 59 years old. Fred and I moved back to Kent to look after her throughout treatment/surgery and until she got better, but she sadly never did. She died on Fred's first birthday. My world literally fell apart.
I made the decision to permanently relocate back to Kent with Fred, as my marriage had broken down throughout the exceedingly difficult times. I realised that life was far too short and so precious. Life was for living.
We began to build a new life back ‘home’. In December 2013 we purchased the building of The Bridal Boutique of Jules, with extensive building work required throughout, we embarked upon the yearlong project to make dreams come true.
My mum aka Julia/Julie/Jules, whom the boutique is named in honour of, I know, is and has been behind me every step of the way. We used to sit over a cuppa and sketch designs/ideas of our shared dream, she always said it would be my name above the door – little did she know!! With her name representing the shop and her writing in our logo, she is with us every day. I miss her dearly and have installed/up cycled and used various pieces of furniture and accessories of hers within the boutique. Even a door from my childhood home hangs proudly in the little kitchen.
I look around the boutique daily and still cannot quite believe it is ours and what we have achieved. An amazing and quirky boutique filled with so many beautiful things and reminders of my amazing mum. I look forward to welcoming you into my little piece of heaven.
Jeska xx